Following a directive from the Honorable Supreme Court of India , over the counter sale of acids has been banned and all the state governments have introduced rules for regulating the sale of acids . However, implementation remains unsatisfactory for which creating awareness among general public is considered essential for supplementing the efforts of the administration.
- Generally, the police faces the problem of time constraint, lack of resources and inadequate training in dealing with acid attack cases.
- The suggestion of the National Commission for Women (NCW) for setting up a board specifically for acid survivors could also be examined. Since not only survivors of acid attacks but other survivors of different crimes also need compensation for rehabilitation—these include survivors of rape—a law should be enacted to set in place Criminal Injuries Compensation Boards at the centre, state and district levels in our country.

The honourable Supreme Court of India in its order dated 18th July 2013 directed all states/union territories to introduce formal Rules/Regulations to regulate sale of acid and other corrosive substances and their use. Pending such formal introduction, the honourable Supreme Court gave interim directions to the Chief Secretaries of all state governments and Administrators of the union Territorries to comply with its directions contained therein, for regulating the sale of acid and other subtances.

ASWWF arranged a seminar on ” Acid Violence- Challenges & Remedies” on 13th September 2014 which was attended by more than 100 participants from NGOs , lawyers, students, doctors. The seminars focused, inter alia, on the need to strictly enforcing the directives of the Supreme Court of India for regulating the sale of acids.
ASWWF has also written to the Chief Secretaries of different States and DG of Police requesting them to strictly enforce the aforesaid directions of the Supreme Court.
Following a directive from the Honorable Supreme Court of India , over the counter sale of acids has been banned and all the state governments have introduced rules for regulating the sale of acids . However, implementation remains unsatisfactory for which creating awareness among general public is considered essential for supplementing the efforts of the administration.
- Generally, the police faces the problem of time constraint, lack of resources and inadequate training in dealing with acid attack cases.
- The suggestion of the National Commission for Women (NCW) for setting up a board specifically for acid survivors could also be examined. Since not only survivors of acid attacks but other survivors of different crimes also need compensation for rehabilitation—these include survivors of rape—a law should be enacted to set in place Criminal Injuries Compensation Boards at the centre, state and district levels in our country.

The honourable Supreme Court of India in its order dated 18th July 2013 directed all states/union territories to introduce formal Rules/Regulations to regulate sale of acid and other corrosive substances and their use. Pending such formal introduction, the honourable Supreme Court gave interim directions to the Chief Secretaries of all state governments and Administrators of the union Territorries to comply with its directions contained therein, for regulating the sale of acid and other subtances.

ASWWF arranged a seminar on ” Acid Violence- Challenges & Remedies” on 13th September 2014 which was attended by more than 100 participants from NGOs , lawyers, students, doctors. The seminars focused, inter alia, on the need to strictly enforcing the directives of the Supreme Court of India for regulating the sale of acids.
ASWWF has also written to the Chief Secretaries of different States and DG of Police requesting them to strictly enforce the aforesaid directions of the Supreme Court.